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10 general methods for a sustainable lifestyle: for a sustainable lifestyle, do not use less plastic, buy environmentally friendly products and eat an environmentally friendly diet.

Sustainable lifestyle for what?

Why should we have a sustainable lifestyle? Today, on the Eco-Friendly Education blog, we want to introduce you to 10 general ways to have a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. It is better for everyone to start a sustainable lifestyle. Because the UN report also showed that if we want to control climate change, we have only 12 more years. Yes, not a hundred years, just 12 years. After that, things get out of control.

10 general methods for a sustainable lifestyle?

Well, it’s time for us to take another look at the damage that human activities have done to the environment. The global temperature is increasing alarmingly and if these conditions continue, the environment cannot survive. So what can you and I do to reverse these damages? Everything starts with our commitment. Let’s make a commitment to live a sustainable lifestyle and do the least damage to the environment.

We all try to change our lifestyle to a sustainable lifestyle. Change does not happen suddenly. So do whatever you can. These changes become a habit after a while. Do not worry. Start by learning about a green lifestyle. In this article, we show you different solutions. But before that, it is better to know more about the term “environmentally friendly” itself.

What exactly does eco-friendly mean??

Eco-friendly in the dictionary means to be friendly to the earth. In fact, not to harm the earth and the environment. This term usually refers to products and methods that help save resources such as water and energy, as well as prevent air, water and land pollution. It is better to learn about how to use these resources. Your intention can be anything about gaining awareness. You may want to help the environment. Or want to save money. But know that any effort you make to live a sustainable lifestyle will definitely help save the earth. Here we show you the ways to have a sustainable lifestyle. These methods will help you to benefit from them in different areas of your life.

First part) Use less plastic?

Use less plastic for a sustainable lifestyle

About 40% of the packaging industry is made up of plastic products. To have a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle, the first step is to reduce or stop the use of plastic products. For example, instead of using plastic toothbrushes, we can use a toothbrush that has a bamboo body. We can also use biodegradable bags instead of plastic bags.

Another solution is to replace disposable plastic containers with vegetable disposable containers. Vegetable dishes are environmentally friendly and can be used more than once. You can buy these herbal products in bulk to avoid receiving extra plastic packaging and piling them in trash cans. Another thing is that we can use metal razors instead of plastic razors. You can refer to the related article to know other products that can be replaced with plastic products.

Part II) Strengthen environmentally friendly shopping habits in yourself?

Eco-friendly shopping habits

Another way to live a sustainable lifestyle is to adopt eco-friendly shopping habits. For example, before buying, it is better to always ask yourself how much you really need to buy a new product. You must be sure that the new product will be used for a long time. If you follow this principle, know that you have made a big contribution to reducing production waste.

The next thing is to be able to buy in bulk. Buying in bulk is not only a sustainable move, but it also saves you money. Using the power of social influence is one of the most effective ways to stimulate pro-environmental behaviors in consumption. In a study conducted by Harvard University, online shoppers on an online sales platform were informed that other people were also buying environmentally friendly products. This led to a 65% increase in at least one sustainable purchase. Or, for example, they told the people who prepared food from the buffet that they can normally fill their food more than once. This incident caused food waste to decrease by 21%.

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You must have a regular plan for bulk purchases. If you go ahead with the plan, you also plan on reducing fuel consumption and the number of trips to the store. The next point is that it is better to invest in high quality products. Because cheap products mostly don’t last long. In fact, it can be said that some of these cheap products can even be considered disposable. read more

Third part) Buy environmentally friendly products?

Environmentally friendly products

Currently, there are no guidelines for sustainable shopping and living a sustainable lifestyle. But with sustainable shopping, you can make your impact on MuhiReduce pollution and fulfill your social responsibility well in the society. You can also gain a good reputation by using eco-friendly products in your business.

The benefits of buying environmentally friendly products in business?

Buying environmentally friendly products can boost your business in the following ways:

1- It reduces costs, raw materials, equipment and current costs. For example, reducing the amount of waste consumed reduces operational costs. Also, if you use products and services that use less energy and water, you can significantly reduce your utility bills.

2- Improve your reputation among employees, customers and the general public for “doing the right thing for the environment”.

3- You can easily attract lenders or investors who work based on environmental principles.

4- When you choose a sustainable business style, you can sometimes use capital allowances for the plant and equipment you purchase for your business. Click here for more information on what types of products are environmentally friendly.

Part 4) Recycle more?

Sustainable lifestyle with more recycling

In recent decades, the negative effects of landfills have become one of the main reasons for the deterioration of the quality of the environment, especially the deterioration of the quality of groundwater, poor air quality from emitted gases and harmful odors, and the worsening of the effects of climate change. . Not surprisingly, landfilling has become a less preferred waste management technique. Additionally, people who live around landfills often suffer from the aesthetics and quality of life in their neighborhood and decreased property values. Therefore, waste management and recycling is one of the most important environmental issues.

Recently, in European countries and in America, people are encouraged to recycle at home. To recycle at home and have a sustainable lifestyle, it is better to sort your waste at home first. You can turn some trash into new items. Remember that all types of paper such as envelopes, phone cards or wrapping papers can be recycled. You should also separate wet and dry waste for recycling at home. Do not forget electronic waste. Click for more information in this field.

Part 5) Find effective solutions to reduce pollution?

Sustainable lifestyle by reducing environmental pollution

Pollution is one of the most critical problems that our world faces every day. In the past decades, pollution was always seen as a destruction that is slowly destroying the planet where we live. Some people noticed it, some people didn’t, and some didn’t really care.

The pollution of the earth is so terrible that until today, 2.4 billion people still do not have access to clean water sources. Because humans continuously pollute essential resources such as air, water and soil. To recap it by saying that, as a concerned person of this generation, we share ways we can be a change-maker to make a big impact on our environment for the rest of our lives.

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Reducing pollution is one of the most important ways to have a sustainable lifestyle. Reducing pollution and preventing it is actually any type of behavior that causes pollution to be reduced or eliminated at the source. Reducing pollution is also considered as reducing resource use. Reducing pollution prevention reduces both financial costs (waste management and cleanup) and environmental costs (health problems and environmental damage). Prevention and reduction of pollution at the same time boosts economic growth. This is achieved through more efficient production in industry and less need for households, businesses and communities to deal with waste. For a more detailed analysis of how to reduce pollution, read the relevant article.

Part 6) Eat an environmentally friendly diet?

Eco-friendly diet

The current human diet has caused very serious changes in the environment. All over the world, forests have been destroyed to make room for livestock and the cultivation of crops to feed them. Our oceans are changing ecosystems with overfishing. Food production is not only the biggest cause of wildlife loss, but it also causes climate change.

It is interesting to know that about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions are related to food. Nutritionists believe that environmentally friendly diets are both healthier and less damaging to the planet. Therefore, the diet should change a lot in order to prevent food poverty in the future. For more information about the environmentally friendly diet, read the relevant article.

Section 7) Be environmentally friendly while traveling?

Sustainable travel

Sustainable travel means finding a way to sustain tourism in the long term without harming the natural and cultural environments. Sustainable travel should minimize the negative effects of tourism. Ideally, it should be useful for the region in which the trip is taking place.

The World Tourism Organization defines sustainable travel as: “Development that meets the needs of current tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. In fact, all resources should be managed in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs are met while maintaining integrity. culture, biodiversity and life support system.

Sustainable travel is about valuing the environment and taking care of natural resources. Travelers should be more aware of the levels of pollution caused by travel and how it affects the environment and local wildlife. They should also be aware of how tourism affects local people, businesses and local cultures. In the article related to this topic, we have brought you several simple things so that you can get acquainted with this category.

Section 8) Save water?

Sustainable lifestyle by saving water

Officials in the country’s water sector are always facing the urgent question of how to ensure clean and reliable water supply with the pressures caused by population growth, booming urban development and global warming. Many communities already have water restrictions in place. It should be noted that 30 to 60 percent of domestic drinking water is used to irrigate yards and gardens. Also, often a large amount of water is wasted in the process of evaporation and misdirecting runoff on sidewalks and roads.

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According to the statistics published by the United States, per capita water consumption is 667 liters per day. Per capita water consumption in Australia is equal to 136 liters per day. The reason for this difference is that Australia uses a lot of water sparingly. But it still has a higher quality of life. For more information, in Eco-Friendly Education, we have written some simple tasks for you that you can do to save water consumption. These water saving measures can have a great impact on water demand in cities. While saving money, you also have the opportunity to contribute to helping solve the water crisis.

Section 9) Optimize the use of energy?

Optimize energy use

It’s not a strange question to wonder exactly how your home’s electricity consumption relates to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Unlike the direct combustion of fossil fuels that occurs when we use a car, we cannot always detect the greenhouse gas emissions that enter the atmosphere as a result of our everyday electricity use.

According to the report of Harvard University regarding the installation of solar panels, they concluded that people install solar panels whose neighbors have used this renewable energy. Also, a research was done on the students of a university about how to transport them. When the students realized that many other students at the same university used bicycles as a form of sustainable transportation instead of their own cars, five times more than those who only used this lifestyle option. They knew it was stable and showed a desire to do this.

Some simple examples…?

However, the environmental impact of energy efficient practices at home can be significant. In the United States, the domestic sector produced approximately 19 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2016. Of these, 69% of greenhouse gas emissions from homes are caused by the use of electricity, and the direct use of fossil fuel for home heating accounts for another 31%. When you consider that such a large percentage of household greenhouse gas emissions are related to electricity consumption, it becomes clear that household energy efficiency measures can lead to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

In most cases, the money you spend on energy efficiency will directly reduce greenhouse gas emissions due to the nature of electricity generation. For example, the percentage of the average electricity bill belongs to the electricity that is spent on lighting the house. If you replace your incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient CFL bulbs, you can reduce the amount of electricity you use to light your home by up to 75%. If one incandescent light bulb were replaced with a CFL bulb in every American home, enough energy would be provided to power three million homes in one year. This will reduce annual emissions by the equivalent of removing 800,000 cars from the roads.

CFL bulbs also reduce mercury emissions. This is one of the things we have mentioned for you to have a sustainable lifestyle in the article about energy optimization. Click here for more information.

Section 10) Other environmentally friendly tips?

Other points that can be mentioned in this article is that it is better to consume less. Make more informed purchases to live a more sustainable lifestyle. One tip about reducing waste is that you can use paper towels instead of paper towels. This way, you avoid too much production of paper towels. In the food category, one of the most important points is to plan your meals. In this way, you have greatly contributed to reducing food waste. When it comes to using less paper and cutting down trees, you can ditch all your paper bills and actually go digital. For more information on other tips that you can use for sustainable living, please read the relevant article.

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